There are many great PR agencies out there (and we’re happy to recommend the right one!) but that’s not Herridge Consulting’s role. Instead, we offer high-level, independent communications strategy advice, whether that’s how best to resource your PR campaign, position your product or service or helping you through a specific reputational crisis.
We can help businesses at any stage of their lifecycle or growth optimise their communications strategy with senior-level consultancy. Based on 20+ years' experience of working with some of the world's largest brands in media, technology and telecoms, we deliver actionable recommendations that deliver business results.
Herridge Consulting works with businesses on a completely flexible basis - from short term projects through to long term advisory engagements.
Our approach
One-on-one interviews or workshops with key stakeholders, clients and team members to gain deep understanding of the business and its objectives.
Market survey to understand competitor landscape and marketplace dynamics
Insights used to underpin messaging and strategy approach.
Based on the agreed strategy, identify the optimal resource portfolio based on approach, budget and existing team.
A blend of in-house, freelance, agency or specialist support may be required to execute a campaign across different tactical or time phases of a campaign.
Where required, support the search and selection of appropriate resources.
Create the core messages that underpin marketing/communications strategy and execution. The story that underpins the business’ approach the market.
Alongside, create the stories and viewpoints that the company and its representatives will tell as part of its marketing programme.
Develop a measurement framework against which execution of the campaign can be benchmarked on an ongoing basis.
Frameworks should be simple, comprehensible and actionable, enabling marketing teams and their leadership teams to quickly and cost effectively recognise success.
Develop the strategic approach to marketing and communications, setting out the objectives, audiences and approach that will underpin the campaign.
From this strategy, an outline creative and tactical plan will be developed to help understand the resourcing requirements both in terms of investment and personnel.
Ongoing oversight role, working with execution teams on an advisory basis to support their work and/or working with management to measure and optimise activity and resource against plans.